• 26 августа 2014, вторник
  • Москва, Джон Донн Паб / John Donne Pub

HackaMoscow TechDrinks

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3532 дня назад
26 августа 2014 c 20:00 до 22:00
Джон Донн Паб / John Donne Pub

Your fellow HackaGlobalers — Alejandro, Jamie and Julio — will be flying back to London on Wednesday, and there’s nothing they’d love more than celebrating with their fellow techies and entrepreneurs in Moscow!!


Join us tomorrow for an awesome night full of HackaBeers and Tech-ila! 

Your fellow HackaGlobalers — Alejandro, Jamie and Julio — will be flying back to London this coming Wednesday, and there’s nothing they’d love more than celebrating with their fellow techies and entrepreneurs in Moscow!

We have confirmed the location for the HackaGlobal TechDrinks tonight!!

Everyone will be coming to Джон Донн Паб ("John Donne Pub") in Икитский бул 12 (119019) at 20:00!!

We’re truly looking forward to see you tonight for an evening full of HackaBeer, Tech-ila and Awesomeness!!

Just for the record — all pictures are now available at facebook.com/swmoscow andvk.com/hackaglobal.

If you guys have any questions please let us know by dropping us an email at moscow@startupweekend.org or by giving us a call at 8 9856638379.

Truly looking forward to see you tomorrow!! 


Wish you all an awesome week,

The HackaMoscow Team





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